It was great fun, Becky is a patient teacher, and although at home Mr. S. had a cold and Safiya proceeded to run a fever while I was crocheting away, I only felt the teensiest bit guilty....well, not very much, actually. I really needed to get out :-) When I presented Safiya with the above, she immediately proclaimed it a sea-slug and asked where its baby was.....
After the workshop there was a fabric swap at The Workroom, so Becky kindly gave me and my suitcase of fabric a lift. There was some chomping at the bit and good natured nervous laughter at the sight of a mountain of fabric on the table in front of us, and we dove in politely as the reserved Canadians we are (I had heard that fabric swaps could get nasty, but of course not with these gals :-). Got a few sweet pieces, including this:

"Now when you bring that home," said my friend Johanna (who had the self-restraint of a saint and was only an onlooker in the melee of fabric), "you feel like you've accomplished something!...It's like...bringing home a wheel of cheese!" Which is exactly what Mr. S. meant, I am sure, when he said "What are you going to do with that?" upon beholding my spoils of the day.
It doesn't matter; it's marked "organic" and "cotton". Done and done.
Oh, and why does anyone take a hyperbolic crochet workshop? If for no other reason so that on the way home on the subway when someone asks "What are you crocheting?" you can smile and answer "I am crocheting hyperbolic space!"
WHAAAHAHAHAHAA!!! Congrats on your "cheese wheel" score!! And it has such satisfying heft...
Cheese wheel of yarn! Wonderful. I have one and managed to make oodles of cotton washcloths and a market type tote.
Very interested in hyperbolic crochet! Will have to see what I can find out.
oh, your pseudosphere came out beautifully! next we'll have to get safiya crocheting some advance geometry.
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